Thai bettas can also eat live bait when eating fish feed. Live bait such as water fleas, larvae, yearly shrimps, silkworms, etc. are all good choices for feeding them. During feeding time, it is not a problem to ensure that the food is healthy and general.

Thai Bettas are not vegetarians, so some live bait is a delicacy for them. What is more important is that Thai Bettas can enjoy hunting while eating live bait. Interesting and natural, some artificial baits can also be fed as substitutes for live baits. Using varied baits is more conducive to the healthy growth of Thai fighting fish.

Although male fighting fishes are prone to fights between Thai fighting fish, they can coexist peacefully with most small tropical gallbladder fish, making them a very ideal mixed breeding species. The Thai fighting fish that challenge and show off each other fully demonstrate the masculine beauty of the male.

Thailand bettas lay eggs, and the female fish's face is not as bright as the male fish. The male fish's dorsal fin, anal fin, and tail fin are longer than the female fish, with a total length of more than 5 cm. It is easier to grow. Adjust the growing water temperature to about 27°C, pH value 7.0, and hardness 9 to 11. Place a layer of floating aquatic plants in the growth box, and then put the selected broodstock directly into the breeding box. The female fish as the broodstock must reach sexual maturity. If the male fish is in estrus but the female fish is not, the male fish will chase and bite it and fish it out, otherwise the female fish will be bitten to death by the male fish. Before spawning, the male fish first builds a bubble ovary

When spawning, the male fish drives the female fish under the bubble nest, then wraps his body around the female fish, and the female fish removes the eggs and the male fish makes them fertilization. If the eggs are on the bottom, the male and female will pick them up and spit them into the bubble nest. After spawning is completed, only the male fish is left to watch and protect the fish.

When raising betta fish, it is very important to ensure that the betta fish has a healthy diet.

